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Invoice validity

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pandy41 | 10:39 Sun 29th Oct 2006 | Law
4 Answers
How long does an unpaid invoice remain valid in UK law?


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I would have thought indefinitely, unless you have either waived your right to payment (A waiver of rights) or you have promised not to collect the money for a specified reason (E.g.: while the debtor is in the red etc) in which case promissory estoppel applies. As long as the work is completed and all satisfactory, you have your legal right to the agreed remuneration.
I'm thinking the Limitation Act may come in here and give a 6 year time limit, this is applicable to all sorts of scenarios and it seemd likely that this could be one of them.

Not 100% sure though, maybe have a look at the legislation to confirm?
surely you could just write another invoice though...
If you have an unpaid invoice you have 6 years from the date of issue to begin legal proceedings to recover it. After 6 years the statute applies and whilst you can continue to ask for the payment, however you will have no legal means left open to you.

If you need help with recovery of unpaid invoices check out

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