Try to look at the issues dispassionately. Someone has said that an employee is making unauthorised use of the employers computer system. This sounds like a potentially serious matter. The employer must investigate the issue. If the employee is misbehaving then it may not be sensible to let them have further access to the computer. Until the employer has investigated he does not know, but he must act prudently, and to suspend the employee (on full pay) in the meanwhile would be both sensible and lawful. If the emplyer decides that the employee has done nothing wrong he will simply be re-instated. If the employer wants to take the matter further then he will need to give the employee sufficient details of the allegations to enable him to answer them and to arragne a meeting to enable the employee to put his position forward. Until he has established the facts the employer should not proceed to a disciplinary hearing, but if he does then he should follow the usual fair proceedures. He should call the employee to a disciplinary meeting on reasonable notice at which the employee can be accompanied by a trade union rep, or a work colleague, and should give the emp[oyee a fair hearing. Only then should the employer decied what to do. The fact that it is your husband, and you KNOW he has done nothing wrong does not alter the proceedures. The employer does NOT KNOW what the facts are, and has to proceed fairly and sensibly.