employer with holding wages in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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employer with holding wages

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rcl1 | 21:52 Thu 21st Dec 2006 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers
Hi hope someone can help, quit my job 2 weeks ago but when i gave my notice i was told not to bother coming back. since then i have been trying to get hold of my employer to get my wages but they are not answering my calls or tell me they will look into it then stop answering my calls again. I should have been paid last week but have nothing. I am owed for 5 days, i only worked there for 3 weeks and didnt have a contract. what can I do? thanks in advance.
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If someone refuses to pay you money that they owe you, all you can do is to threaten and, if necessary, take legal action against them.

Type out a (dated) letter, roughly as follows. Send it by recorded delivery and remember to keep a copy of it:

"Dear Mr Bloggs,

Further to my phone calls (to which I have received no satisfactory response), I write to remind you that I have not received payment in respect of my final week of employment with your company. (i.e. from Monday xx/yy/06 to Friday aa/bb/06). I calculate the payment due to be �cc.dd (less statutory deductions), based upon employment for ee hours at �ff.gg per hour.

I look forward to receipt of this payment in the near future but please note that, if I do not receive this payment within 14 days, it is my intention to pursue my claim for payment (together with associated court costs) through the civil courts.

Your faithfully,


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thanks for that i'll give it a go.
You need to write a letter and state a formal grievance. If the money owed is not paid then try a claim to tribunal under The Wages Act. Citizens Advice will assist. Don't wait, the clock is ticking. Too many employers take action like this, don't just let it go, fight for what is rightfully yours.
Both previous answers are reasonable - however there may be contractual implications. There may have been a clause which stipulates that if you haven't given the required period of notice you may not be eligible for payement. You need to check your contract of employment before persuing any claim.
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just wanted to let you know that I got my money. Thats one for the litle guy!!!!Thanks for all the advice.

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employer with holding wages

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