can of a family of a deceased due to , say,a car accident , have the police not release details to the media for reasons of their own personal privacy?
thanks ethel i asked this as i knew 2 brothers returning for xmas celebrations who where killed instantly in a head on smash with a lorry - yet it never made it into any papers (surely a newsworthy story)- so hence i wondered if it was a family request, but how could the newspaers curiousity be stirred when they could not be aware of the incident in the first place?
When my friends son died after an accident the local papers did get hold of the story and tried asking neighbours etc to talk. Thankfully nobody would, but then when the inquest was held the press had all the details and printed the story, though this was a few months after his death.
Some reporters sit with radio scanners on their desks, so they only then need the details. The police will not release names and addresses until families have been told. Other than that, the police do not control what goes into the papers. To see the reasons, compare this with certain other countries where they do..