My 15 year old son has been offered a job as soon as he leaves school . He will be 16 this March and has never been academic . He had his work experience with this company and he loved it and more importantly they thought he was brilliant and sent him a letter two weeks later with the job offer . Now , can he leave school on his 16th Birthday and start this apprenticeship or does he legally have to wait until he finishes school in July . We know that his exams will not be up to much due to his dyslexia but this job is just what he needs . thanks Chris.
P.S. I hated school and wasn't 'academic' either (and unsure if I am even now). I left school at 16, worked in heavy industry (which I loved) for three years, but will soon be awarded my second university degree, and plan to qualify as a solicitor.
Don't write off an academic future. Many people have overcome dyslexia, your boy might too. But it sounds like a good employee/employer match. Best of luck to you all!!