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motoring offence

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whyme | 08:42 Sat 31st Mar 2007 | Law
2 Answers
my daughter has just received a summons for entering a no entry road, the summons has her no. plate wrng (to many letters). how does this stand in resects of her plea, as she was not riding a scooter with that plate.


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no she does not have to pay anything as the ticket is in valid
Your question is a little vague however they must have traced her through the No. plate seen on the CCTV and sent the summons to the registered keeper - your daughter as she has received it.

I cant understand why or how you can try and get out of this summons as the number plate details are correct if they made a mistake your daughter would not have received the summons. It will just be a typo and if you try and get out of it they will re-issue the summons. Is your daughter working ? If not she may be able to get 1/2 hrs free advice from solicitor who can clarify it all for you.

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motoring offence

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