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AA delay, can I claim

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saintpeter48 | 05:34 Thu 19th Apr 2007 | Law
6 Answers
It took AA 3 hours to get to me and my elderly father in early hours of last saturday. We were very cold, I called them 3 times explaining my problem but they didn't seem to care. is there any way i can claim against them for failing to provide service that i had paid for. I have now cancelled my membership after 14 years. Thanks for asny help on this.


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they did provide you the service you paid for though ... they came out to you and presumably either fixed or towed it. I don't think they specify that they will come within a certain time do they? Just that they get to most calls within blah amount of time. There are factors beyond their control ie how many people have called them out, if they have someone near you that will affect the response time, as for not caring, why should they care if you are cold or not, honestly? Yopu dont pay them to "care" you pay them to come out to you, which it sems like they did. What would you actually sue them for? Return of your fee? being cold? I cant see how you could sue for return of fee because they did come to you. You cant sue them for feeling not cared about or cold either. You have done absolutely the right thing by voting with your feet, and going somewhere else. Even if you could sue for return of part of your fee, is it really worth it?
Use Green Flag. They got to me in 20 minutes
bednobs is correct.

Why do people automatically think of 'making a claim' these days?

Unless you sign up with someone else, such as Green Flag, then you might have a much longer wait than 3 hours next time you break down. Of course, there's no guarantee that Green Flag or anyone else would have got to you any quicker. They do give priority to certain cases though - such as women travelling alone at night etc.
3 hours does seem a bit long but i assume everyone else in the same position was cold too, so you can't expect priority.

i would write a stern letter explaining this - you may get a discount or something as a good will gesture
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thankyou all for advice, just wanted to let off steam really, hope if or when you are in same situation as i found myself in you may understand what its like to wait 3 hours in a cold car in early hours, in middle of nowhere with elderly father.

no-one is denying that it must have been a rotten experience for you both - but they are just, quite rightly, pointing out that you don't have a leg to stand on regarding legal action!! - which is, after all, the question you asked!

ever so sorry if it wasn't what you wanted to hear, but we dont make the rules.

if you just wanted lots of sympathy, you should have said.

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AA delay, can I claim

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