need some info please, neighbour has put a fence up and i have put willow screen up on my side of it and he has told me to take it down,
can you tell me my rights
Basically, it is his property, and in theory, he can dictate painting etc. If your screen is connected to the fence in any way, then he can object. However, if it is NOT touching, maybe just an inch away, then he has no argument.
Yes I think it's been posted elsewhere in Home & Garden I suspect.
Yes he is entitled to ask you take it down - he owns the fence and is responsible for it's up-keep and if you placed something extra on top the weight or the wind could effect the fence and cause damage.
emx384 - why is he being cheeky - it's the neighbours fence not lou76x's. If they put a seperate fence on their side with the willow then thats fine but it's not their fence to add or do what they like with.
fair enough - if you have placed the willow screen on top of his fence I agree he can ask for it to be taken down. It isnt clear in the question if it on TOP of the fence or next to the fence!