On a previous question (March) you state that although yor wife is made to work unsociable long hours etc, she does enjoy her job. Could you be making matters worse? I say this because it appears that you have a problem with her job and if all you do is moan about the job she is eventually going to feel inadequate, put upon or whatever it is. There are plenty of other cleaning jobs all paying minimum wage. If she doesn't like it or if you don't like it, she should leave. It is obviously causing problems in your relationship. Your wife must be under a lot of pressure both at work and at home trying to keep you and her work colleagues happy. If, for financial reasons, your wife HAS to work and she cannot find another job, you must stop putting pressure on her by telling her that she is not being treated right etc. She has two choices, she works there or she doesn't work there. I wish her well it can't be easy.