Can you review a divorce agreement?
I got divorced about 8 years ago and as part of the divorce we agreed maintenance and contact arrangements for our daughter.
At the time, my ex pleaded poverty in that he said he needed to maintain our old house for our daughter's sake (I moved out with only my clothes and a few thousand pounds). He also agreed to pay a percentage of his basic salary in maintenance each month and to have our daughter every other weekend.
Two weeks after the divorce went through, he sold the house and moved back with his parents. He saved up a massive deposit on a house in which he now lives with his new partner and her children.
He only now has our daughter about once a month and has never proved his earnings yet (it was part of the agreement that he produced his P60 every year). Despite him having been promoted at least 3 times since then, the monthly payments have only gone up by �21 in the last 8 years.
I've also just learned that he's now bought outright a holiday villa in cyprus, which leads me to believe that he's not being entirely honest about his earnings.
Does anyone know how I can go about checking that he's paying the correct amount? I'm not sure if I need to see a solicitor or not. Any help would be greatly