How can i prevent my husband from harassing me now that I am in another relationship in The AnswerBank: Civil
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How can i prevent my husband from harassing me now that I am in another relationship

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whiskychick | 23:12 Wed 01st Aug 2007 | Civil
2 Answers
I have been sharing a house(jointly owned) with my husband of 35 yearsbut we have been sleeping in seperate rooms for more than 7 years. The bills are split equally and until recently this agreement has worked fine. However a few weeks ago I met someone and we are now in a relationship but I am not ready to move in with him. My husband is doing his best to make my life difficult by constantly harassing me, ie following me and silent phonecalls amongst other things. I stay over with my new partner several times a week but need the security of my home as I look after our grandchildren 2 or 3 days a week. If it comes to it I would be prepared to sell the house and find another place. If my husband would give me peace I would be happy to stay in the house but the verbal abuse is wearing me down. Can this be settled without the need for a solicitor?
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Well it all depends on whether your husband will play ball. Sounds to me by his actions that he still has feelings even if they are just jealousy, but if he would not act like this unless he felt threatened. I think it might be time to sort this out, maybe to buy him out if you can, or sell the house and get somewhere of your own. Its never going to work again is it, and the fact that you have now begun another relationship shows you are ready to move on. Also it can't be much fun for your new partner to have this situation bubbling underneath all the time. I would sit down with your husband and see what he proposes or would agree too. If he won't do anything then maybe it is time to get some legal advice.
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Thankyou lady_p_gold That's very helpful and reassuring.

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How can i prevent my husband from harassing me now that I am in another relationship

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