I was walking down Bedford Street here in Exeter this afternoon and was shocked to see in the centre of the Nationwide Building Society shop window a poster saying in 5" high blue letters "DO NOT BE SEDUCED". Presumably it is in all their branch windows not just Exeter.I'm single and at uni here so have not tried for a mortgage yet. My question is therefore is that what you normally have to put up with to get a mortgage? What is Nationwide offering as an alternative?
What do you mean - do not be seduced by what exactly??? What do you expect to have to put up with to get a mortgage? What are Nationwide offering as a alternative to what???
I'm still not convinced your question is entirely serious...
It's a joke - irony - play on words - my reply to you sissimarissa is just don't go to any other building society in provocative clothing and maybe Nationwide may ask you to take some sort of chastity pledge to get a 1% reduction in their lending rate :)