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My Father is named in grandfather's will but died before my grandfather

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legalquest | 21:14 Sun 26th Aug 2007 | Law
2 Answers

My Grandfather had a will and specified that his estate should be divided equally by his 2 children. My aunt and my father.

Unfortunately, my father died 2 weeks before my grandfather did. So the question is, does my father's 50% of the estate pass to me (ie the grandson) or does 100% of the estate go to my aunt. I should mention that nobody else is named in the will and there is no provision described for the eventuality of one of his children dying before he does.

Thank you.


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Your father's share passes to you unless the will prescribes otherwise.

Note this only applies in a parent child situation - with other beneficiaries the bequest would go into the residual estate.
i am sorry but you are wrong. note... divided equally by ? or to ? my 2 children... one dies it goes to the other 100%... but i am sure the aunty will give % to the granson ?

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My Father is named in grandfather's will but died before my grandfather

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