Pre trial hearing in The AnswerBank: Law
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Pre trial hearing

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PaulSabin | 23:08 Mon 03rd Sep 2007 | Law
4 Answers
What does this involve? Do I just have to advise what methods I will be using in my defence and the prosecution advise what means they are using against me?

Or do I need to be more specific about my defence details and advise them of my approach (which involves discrepancies in the council workers statement)? I don't want it to go to pt hearing then the warden have a few weeks to think of replies or excuses for the discrepancies...if you get my drift.

Could I be found not guilty or similar, there and then? I;ve tried a few websites but they seem rather technical.
Many thanks in advance.
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what exactly are you being accused of. is it first offence ig you let us have a bit more detail, i am sure you will get the advice you need. ta x
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Yes my first offence and is only a small magistrate's affair with the prosecution being brought by my local council.

Thanks. So what do I need at a pre trial hearing and can the case be dismissed there and then if they decide the contents of my evidence are enough in my favour?
It would be worth getting proper legal advice if you can - it's not usual to have a PTR for a minor matter.
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Really? Perhaps it's my second chance to offer a guilty plea. I don't know why I have one but I certainly don't want to go through it twice.

It's only a maximum �1000 fine offence.

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