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cautioned now what

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drivetime01 | 13:53 Wed 19th Sep 2007 | Law
5 Answers
I was cationed in the police station, for not being insured in the car I was driving. I do drive my car for which I am insured as a named driver. The car I was caught in, is my older brothers who had told me that he had insured me to drive it. The reason why I was stopped was because there had been a stabbling, and the guy who did this was wearing a similar jacket to the one I was. I wasn't drunk or speeding and this happened on a Sunday afternoon. I was asked if that was my car I said no it was my brothers, the policeman asked me if I was insured to drive it and I said yes. I was given a producer, so went to my brothers, where he got out his insurance papers and realised he in fact had not insured me!!! Hands up no excuses, it doesn't matter what I say, we should have made sure that I was insured. We went straight to the station and I was cautioned, I was told that I would be going into court where they will tell me how much I will be fined and what penalty points I will get. The question is that I have not heard anything since this happened (2 months ago) Can the courts still contact me? Also now my brother definatly wants to put me down as a named driver on his car but becuse I haven't been convicted, we don't know what to tell them? We are both so embarressed over this. My brother actually went to the station with me and told them everything - but I know I have to pay the consiquences. Can anyone advice?


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There is still plenty of time for the summons to arrive - it all takes time.

Your brother can put you on his insurance now, but with all insurance policies, he will be obliged to tell them when you are convicted. So it may be pointless, especially if you are banned.
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Go to court, tell the magistrates all that you have told us that you genuinely believed you were insured to drive at the time. You will be put on oath and if the mags believe you they could let you off.
Otherwise 6 to 8 points & fine around �250 - �400
They have a 6 month time limit to take you to court so if you haven't heard anything within the next 4 months you will not be going to court
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I guess we 'll have to wait and see if the court contacts me. I can confirm that I am a named driver of the car I driver & my dad is the ploicy holder and the main driver the car. This is why I am not insured to drive my brothers car, which is why my brother had insured me on his car as a named driver, or he thought he did. In the last 2 years I have only driven his car on a hand full of occasions, and thats only been down the road, to the shops when me car have been in the garage. We are never going to live this down. So, for now my brother HAS insured me on his car as the named driver - but because i havn't been convicted and fined, he has not said anything to his insurance company about whats happened. We will do, after I have been court because at the moment - this is a grey area and Ive been told that a conviction and a caution aren't the same thing. Thank you again. I will keep an eye on this web site to see if there is any help I can give to anyone, I think this is a brilliant site becuase I have asked people what me and my brother should now do and nobody gave us a striaght answer like you have. Thank you for getting back to me everyone, I'm training to be a chef so any questions on food and I'm your man...

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cautioned now what

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