Hi! I am receiving my statutory maternity pay(SMP) from my enployer. The pay will end next February. I decided not to goback to work. If I give a notice to my employer now, am I still entitle to receive SMP till February? I have checked HM Revenue & Custom Web. In their website, it was written ---It doesn't matter why she left or that she isn't coming back ,she is entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP).'---which sounds like I am entitle to get SMP till February. However, I have also contacted Jobcentre. I was advised I cant get SMP after I quit my job.. I would like to know which answer is correct. Many thanks
As far as I am aware, you are entitled to SMP but if you also get Occupational Maternity Pay and you give notice that you do not wish to return to work, you will have to pay the OMP back. I would reccommend you check out http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Parents/Workingpar ents/DG_10029290
i have to go back in may i get smp aswell dont tell them now u are quitting or they will end yr contract and stop paying u have to go back to work for 13weeks otherwise u will have to pay back smp