Hi there,
Your wife won't necessary get half your pension. It can be used as a bargaining tool. For example for myself and my partner.....
When I got divorded, my ex is a police officer and had a good pension . I was married for 7 years to him. The outcome was that if i didn't touch his pension I could have more out the house. I ended up with the house entirely, but he has got his whole pension untouched..
My partner had a cracking pension for 23 years of work. His ex wife got to keep the house, whilst he got to keep his pension.
So really everything will be put into the pot...Then all the assets on both sides will be calculated etc. You can use the fact that you were married for so small length of time, which will be in your favour I am sure. Although I believe you should be entitled to something out of the house, as your pension won't be worth much at the moment. Usually spouses are entitled to 50% of your pension, but length of time married would betaken into account in your situation.
Good luck, hope this helps