Hi there, you are probably entitled to a refund, but it depends on what you did after you finished work. If you claimed any job seekers allowance or other benefits, they will also be txable, and you will also have to take into account any other taxable income you had, such as rental income, untaxed interest, or benefits in kind from your employer. When did you leave the uk? Have you been back in the country since? Your best bet is to write to the Inland Revenue as paulz suggests (if you don't know which your tax office was, reply with your tax ref, which will be on your P60 and I will help you find it). They may request that you fill in a tax return, or they may just accept the P60, but in either case you have time to claim, 6 years in fact. You don't need an acountant to do this, it will be very straightforward, unless you were a Lloyds Underwriter or something like that!