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Investigating executor of will

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cornflakes | 21:56 Tue 18th Mar 2008 | Law
1 Answers
My 17 yr old son and i are benefiteries of a will from england and we live in scotland. the deceased died nearly 2 yrs ago, and during this time i havent been contacted by executor and ive heard things which i feel arent right. have i got the right to get executor investigated closely to see if there has been fowl play, and can i ask the deceasts lawyer to do so, i am a single parent and dont have the money for a lawyer and i dont think there will be anything from the estate to pay the benefiteries, but i feel i cant watch the executor do only what suits him and i feel hes living off the business/estate by using expenses and him being the only one with bank details etc, none of the trustees were asked what they wanted to do with estate. Can we legally force him to stand down


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If you think the estate doesn't have the money to pay the beneficiaries then there's no point pursuing the matter.

If you think the executor has misappropriated the money, then yes you can ask for it to be investigated - but you will find it difficult to do so without paying someone to do it.

If there was a will disbursing the estate then the trustees (who are they anyway??) really have no say in what happens to it.

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Investigating executor of will

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