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what shall i put on?

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unrulyjulie | 21:23 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
theres nothing on ordinary telly that i want to see so i am going "On demand", (my new toy) now shall i watch an episode of
"whose line is it anyway"
Father ted
the royal family?????

im torn, i have till 9pm! otherwise i would watch shameless


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Father Ted

go on go on go on go on go on
I would watch the royle family, my daughter has put friends on though...
-- answer removed --
Royal family, no contest! x
No take it off!!
leg if ive told you once ive told you a ZILLION times not to exaggerate
Ahhh now you see when I saw this title Jules, I thought you were nudey and the question was asking us what clothes you should put on. Got that VERY wrong didn't I? ;)
take it all off!
you all have filtyh filthy minds

I thought it too :O
... and do a pole dance
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i have 4 mins to decide! Im rather fancying father Ted, (not in a literal sense you understand) but then again, i adorwe whose line, the royal family is prob last on my list tonight unless its the last ever episode cause i missed that!
oooo!! Father Ted, please,please!!
Royle family :0) xxx
cuppa tea father?
Whose line is it anyway if it has Ryan Stiles in it, if not then The royals hun :)
Well, you could watch Thomasina Miers on Channel 4. She has a certain je ne sais quoi, and she won Masterchef, or came second, or something, and remember, Masterchef spawned such classics as:

"You have ruined a simple risotto"

"That's not soup, soup is wet"

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for one, my heating ahsnt been on long enough for me to be sitting here in the nuddy! secondly, i tend not to do that with a teenage boy,( i wait till he's in bed ) and thirdly, me pole dance??????? you for real??? i do agadoo and thats my lot!
whiffey risotto is bloody hard to get right you know!
My kitchen smells permanently of burnt food these days :(
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hellie, i adore ryan stiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!hes wonderful! it is one of my eldests fave shows
Jules I've been looking for it on dvd but you can't get it - they are showing it on Dave is it? He was the best one on it I thought but I never liked the American version as much,

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what shall i put on?

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