Not really one for answer bank
It is comething you need to attend a few lectures on.
Remember legal isusually used of a system - legal system and so on - very little is out side the legal system = illegal and so that isnt odren used. Legal personalities can be us - humans, but you also have feme soles, partenrships, companies, and govt bodies
Now some of us can behave lawfully and unlawfully and some of us can't.
Companies in the 1970's were legal entities and as such could only do lawful things, and anything else - murder fraud etc was ultra vires and so the people doing it were personallly responsible. and as comeone said - how can you imprison a company?
The has changed - companies can laughably commit manslaughter. it was better in the 70s.
anyway - as you can see above - this is a part of a dicussion of legal personliaty and unlqwful conduct.
Oh and I havent done Tort - or who can libel whom
anywaythere is an essay there.