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how long is my boyfriend looking at.......

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XabX | 17:54 Tue 29th Apr 2008 | Law
1 Answers
how long is my boyfriend looking at for attempeting to wound with a kinife, but did not actually hurt anyone. he has been found guilty for carrying an offensive weapon and attempting to wound. he is to be sentanced in 3 weeks and we want a rough idea on what he is looking at, as we know is is going to be a custordial sentance.


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For the Offensive Weapons charge - on summary (Magistrates) 6 months max.

on indictment (Crown Court) - two years max and/or a fine.

and for the attempting to wound charge - it depends on any mitigating factors, or aggravating factors.

Overall, I'd say 2-4 years max. and maybe a fine.

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how long is my boyfriend looking at.......

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