My Partner's ex-husband is refusing to give her any money what so ever towards the upkeep of their 2 children(ages 6+11). Now the complicated bit!!! Some 18 months ago he was involved in an accident in work but has now been declared fit to work again, he is working 37 hours a week so my partner was advised to go through the C.S.A for mainenence for the kids. But they have said that he doesnt have to pay a penny because he is claiming industrial injury benefit, which he is legally allowed to do and work at the same time. How can this be right or fair ?? he is bringing home �300+ a week with wages and benefits but yet doesnt have to pay a penny for his 2 kids. Is there another way of leagally making him pay maintenence?? Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks
He only see's one of them for one day every other weekend,(his choice) the other one has no initerest in seeing him as his father never had anytime for him when he lived at home anyyway. But he doesnt really give a damn.
Sounds just like my ex. Pathetic waste of space. My ex once told me a family secret so now I use that as a threat to get money from him !! He's that scared that I'll tell someone that he pays, but it shouldn't be like that. He shouldn't object. He never takes his kids out or buys them anything so I make sure I get something out of him. Keep fighting !