If someone causes accidental damage to another car without realising it until later, what happens ? I think I may have scraped a van today. I got out of a tight space and drove off. I didn't feel a bump or anything, but I just noticed a mark on my back bumper (it's very minor but still there), and that's the only time I can think it may have happened. Someone once drove into me once and scarped leaving me with a �500 bill, so forgive me if I'm being a bit paranoid. Should I inform my insurance company ? Please be gentle with me, I just worry about this sort of thing.
If you inform your insurance company, what are you going to tell them ?. That you think you've had an accident !!!. You have no vehicle or owner details. Surely you are not going to claim for a scratch to your bumper. Personally,I wouldn't bother about it.
Hey, Misty77!
if you do not satisfy your Insurance company.Don't worry bro, i have the best and cheapest company, he does provide the best Accidental damage services and planning guidelines.please visit at http://bit.ly/2rCcfbo you can get more help.