16 years in The AnswerBank: Law
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16 years

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ashleyp865 | 00:11 Mon 02nd Jun 2008 | Law
4 Answers
Hi my name is Ashley and im 16 years old.
I have a son. I need to know if i can legally move out of my parents house and in with my boyfriend who is 21. He is my babys daddy, we really just want to get out and really start our family. My family does not like him and trys to get us to stop seeing eachother but we are in love and i really just need to know.
Thank you
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Yes you can. But think very very hard before you do so.
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thank you!! I dont know for sure if I will do it anytime soon but I font know.
So is it the same way even in oklahoma?
Sigh - this is mostly a British site - you may strike lucky if someone else from the US is about. There really should be some sort of info on the site.....
Hi Ashley

You'll need to speak with someone in Oklahoma - do you have a teacher you can speak with?

One thing I will caution you about - you're still a minor under US law and may be restricted in your choices because of this. Further, you say you're 16 - did you fall pregnant before your 16th birthday? If so your boyfriend could in theory be charged under Oklahoma law with statutory rape. Usually this happens after a parent complains, so you may want to think about keeping them onside.
You really should try to speak with a counsellor/teacher - I'm not going to put you under pressure but that age gap has put a lot of legal and emotional challenges ahead of you. Regardless of what happens, keep your family - they'll usually be the one constant comfort in your life, and you will need their support.

Good luck...

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