Hi, by law the housing association has to investigate any complaint made against one of their tenants. They should provide you with forms which you fill in date, time and nuisance, but it seems youve got thar covered. Make sure you take weekly copies to the housing association and get a receipt from them to say youve handed it in.
Are the other neighbours friendly with the neighbours from hell? note it down, as you need to be sure who talks to who. Do you think the complaint made against you could be a result of your complaint?
I suggest you find out more information, the website happyjo mentions is a good one, and they also offer a telephone service where you can call for advice. In the meantime, look up the following The Housing Act 1996, sections 144-158 and also the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.
As for our neighbours being related, how about this, my neighbour has made an alegation about me videoing her, she says that there is a red light flashing from our sons bedroom window on a night (when they are upto no good) so i invited the local community support officer round, and showed him the light, he p***** himself laughing, the camcorder was in actual fact a test tube alien, my son had put in the window as he was scared of it. Neighbours wanted to get me done for harassment, so i phoned the cops and asked them if they had a complaint, their reply no.
Anyway, have another word with the housing, if they wont do anything write a letter to the head of housing, failing that go to the ombudsman.
You housing association sounds quite similar to the ones our neighbours belong to, does WDH sound familiar? Good luck with everything and dont let the bast**** get you down.