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It seems that almost everyone would like to see these type of devices used in certain areas from time to time. Who knows we may not be too far away from where you can chose to go to a restaurant who have stickers in the window for "Mobile free zones", how great would that be?! Or even cinema's that offer these areas too. I think a blanket ban would be to harsh but on the other hand "open season" for anyone to install them would be dangerous, especially if the power of the device affects furhter than just within the 4 walls of the establishment. It would end up with vast chunks of cities having no network coverage. So if they could be controlled to work say within a room, with no further coverage, then i for one would enjoy going to such places without having some loud mouth shouting into his phone and runing everyones meal/movie.
That would be in a controlled envioronment, but my mate loves his new toy, and if his commute is being ruined by some inconsiderate person, he just flicks the switch, closes his eyes and enjoys the silence! For �20 delivered he reckons it is the best investment he has ever made.
If everyone used "Mobile phone etiquette" then the need wouldn't be there would it?! But somehow i can't see that happening.
The next toy on his list is a device that is able to stop people playing music through the loud speaker on their mobiles. Not sure if there is such a thing around, but i'm sure that if there was everyone would invest, and challenge any legal moves to make these ilegal :)