I flooded my down stair neighbour and them below them as well. Bu i dont have insurance will i be forced to pay them?
The problem was due because my sink was blocked with hair on the fri i noticed this so i bought sink unblocker which did not work, im with a housing association which its offices are closed on a sat sun they have an emergency line but i wasnt aware of this.
So on the mon morning someone accidently left the tap runnin slightly i didnt notice and i went to work, about a half hour later my neighbour said i had flooded them.
The thing is my down stair neighbour is not so bad and his carpet is only damage which i dont have a problem paying. But its his down stair who is the worse effected as it has differet lay out plan would i be liable for them as well??
Good grief! I would never suggest you lie - it is fraud, and the housing association and /or insurance companies will easily see that it is not wear and tear.
Why haven't you got insurance? Have your neighbours got insurance? Any claim they make willl increase their premiums next year, so it is unfair to expect them to lose out through your negligence.