benefit "fraud" interview in The AnswerBank: Law
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benefit "fraud" interview

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Billysmummi | 14:07 Wed 18th Jun 2008 | Law
8 Answers
hi. I am currently a single parent on income suport/housing benefit. as asingle parent when i claimed for income suport they contacted csa for child mantinance as my ex was being very unhelpful, it took months to sort out and I didnt even hear from the csa that child maintance had started, they well have sent somthing out but i certainly never recieved it if they did! anyway, it was only because i got an email from my ex and he was telling me he had made his first payment - i was bit confused as hadnt known this and hadnt recieved it, then i checked my old bank account (hadnt closed it as i still have a credit card i am paying back on it) and there was the money! anyway i contacted csa so i could switch bank accounts - but couldnt get through but requested a ring back - they sent me an email saying they would be in touch. HAVE NOT YET, 2 weeks ago i sent an email to jobcenter to let them know (but wasnt sure if i needed to tell them as they were the ones who set it up with csa) anyway last week i got a letter asking me to attemnd an interview this friday as there may be some changes i have no yet told them about...its obv about this - just wondered if anyone knew what will probably happen? Although i think it wasan inncoent mistake I dont mind paying it back at x amount every week as obv i shouldnt have had this (although i just thought it was what theyd worked out i was able to have) Im just scared i will be fined or even worse ;-( I never do anything wrong and Im worried sick about this ;-(
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if the money you recieved does not amount to much , then u probably wont be charged , via benefit fraud interview ....-
Do not admit anything in the interview. They need you to say something which shows you (1) did something wrong and (2) knew it was wrong.
Firstly Billysmummi, try not to worry.

Secondly make sure you have copies of all your emails etc.

You have a right to be represented by a solicitor in the interview so it may well be worth seeing if you can get the duty solicitor to represent you and advise you.

If it is all an innocent mistake and there is not much money at stake, you should be OK.
before they interview , they oftenly , know something anyway ,,,,,, even if you dont admit to it - (of course ) maybe they dont know ,.anything ... bu it is a random speculative intervie ..
the official answer depends on the appointment letter they have sent you. if it clearly states that it is for an "interview under caution" it will be official and will be taped. otherwise they will just take a statement. either way, if you've been overpaid you will have to pay it back. if your argument is that the money is sitting in an account that you haven't accessed you will be in a position to pay back whatever is owed. you can take someone with you for your appointment,
I know a lot about this stuff. let me know if you need more info. Sara
My sister had one of these interviews and she was still claiming, even though she'd found a partime job. She was interviewed under oath and everything was recorded. After the interview, she was told they would not take matters further, but it would be held on record and in the event of another offence, she would be prosecuted for fraud.

You just need to keep calm and explain yourself honestly. I don't think it's worth their while to prosecute first offenders, so you'll probably be let off with a slapped wrist.
it doesn't really work like that. they will calculate the overpayment and if it is over a certain figure they will look at prosecuting. in fact, you can be prosecuted for just an attempt. they don't do a first time let-off.

billysmummi.. contact me!
When you claim income support the DSS pay you until they can chase your ex for maintenace payments through the CSA. Then you either get Income support or maintenance payments from the CSA that have been collected from your ex or both as long as the total amount doesnt exceed �57.45 a week. It seems to me that the CSA & DSS (jobecentre plus i think they call it now) havent been communicating with each other. So dont worry its their mistake not yours. I had this problem only not overpayment but underpayment as neither paid me because the I S thought I was getting maintenace & visa versa!!!! & they didnt get prosecuted!!!

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