My ex is being done for gbh, his court case has been adjourned till october. He has had two convictions before for similar offences, one time he served 3 years, the other time 6 months after being early as it wasnt him. He has an extremely violent past and has had a lot of episodes with the police for violence. He is pleading not guilty for this offence and is adament he is innocent. The victims statement was made 7 months after the attack, so there are no details of the injurys, but there are 4 witness statements. He is pleading not guilty but if found to be guilty what sentence is he likely to get??? minimim and max?? i know nothing about the law
No idea chino, but since you're probably him you might want to tell me:)
I know Wiz he's really a very scary person, and I'm humbled by his ability to insult me in more than one language. I can only aspire to be like him one day, oh pleeeeeeease tell me it's not a fruitless hope????
sorry missmichmich, for your thread getting somewhat mired by other things, but unless you know exactly wht he's done I don't think there's much we can say, but being on bail rather than remand is always a good thing, but frequently people are bailed and then sent down for quite some time, so don't get your hopes up too much I'm afraid.