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council tax

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auntsallyann | 20:28 Tue 26th Aug 2008 | Law
2 Answers
someone i know has quite a lot of debt and keeps moving address (renting) I presume to avoid the creditors, this person neither pays council tax as she does not inform the council where she is living, what are the implications of not declaring your address for coucil tax purposes


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Failure to register for council tax, or knowingly supply false information, may result in a PENALTY of at least �50 being imposed as well as action to recover monies owing.

At least this freeloader can't vote.
Its a property that gets assessed for Council Tax - not the person. That's why the Poll Tax was scrapped - too difficult to track where people are.
Presumably what you mean is that she moves on from a property before paying the assessed charge on that property.
You could always do your good citizen bit and make a phone call to the Revenues department at the council. Helps keep down your own charges in some small way.

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