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Am I wrong to make a claim?

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Velvetee | 16:24 Sat 06th Sep 2008 | Property
3 Answers
I own a flat in a purpose built block and each owner has a share of the freehold. There is a joint insurance policy, which apparently covers the building's structure and communal parts.

I discovered from the insurers that this policy also covers escapes of water, of which I've had a few, since purchasing the property. I've spent over �1000 making repairs to my and the neighbour's flat below me.

A management company was set up by all the owners to administrate service charges etc and I've asked the nominated Company Secretary to request a claim form from the insurers, so I can make a claim.

She has E Mailed me and is kind of using guilt tactics, saying if I make a claim, everyone else in the block will suffer, as the policy will increase and we will end up all paying a higher service charge.

Surely as someone paying my service charges every year and as far as I know, none of this money is ever spent on anything, I have a right to make a claim, without being made to feel like I'm in the wrong. Or am I being unreasonable?


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I had the same issue when we had a leak that wrote off all our wooden floors, which interestingly come under building rather than contents insurance. I made my conscience feel better by reminding myself that the other tenants undoubtedly put up my share by the rubbish dumping that requires a special bin collection, and the littering of the common areas that require cleaning teams, and that at least my action in potentially increasing the service charge was due to something unavoidable and not from being lazy/inconsiderate. I don't think you're being unreasonable at all.
That is what the insurance is for... Tell her your sorry about it but it has to be done. You could also find out which company provide it how much it costs etc and get a quote from another company when it is due for renewal... thereby showig what a wonderful owner you are...
No, you are not being unreasonable. Presumably the water leaks were caused by fortuitous acts, not negligence or lack of maintenance, so there is no reason why you should not be able to make a claim on the policy which you help pay for!

The policy excess is probably in the region of �100, so with a claim ten times over this, it's not like you are making a claim for the sake of it. If the Co Sec or other shareholders refuse to allow you to attempt to claim, they are in breach of their lease obligations.

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Am I wrong to make a claim?

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