Why do these under-lines appear under all the posted questions? It's a very strange site tonight with all these lines. It might make my eyes go all cross-eyed!! *0* Is there a gremlin in the works or what? Hmmm!!!
Is everything going into italics and bold again ? Well, blame a certain user for messing about with the html coding.... it rather spoils it for everyone else but they seem to think it's hilarious.... fool !
imhotep you should have been around 6 months ago when you could really do some damage with the html codes on here but most of it has been sorted now but for this little flaw on it at the moment.
I thought everyone would like something oriental to listen to.
So how about this song to listen to.
I've got a 45rpm vinyl record of it in my big collection of vinyls.
Hope you like it....
Na the really big html stuff on here 6 months ago was not gravy he just does it as a part time hobby the really big time zapping and cloning and stuff was down to another pixel on here. Gravy has just still hung on to the last of it now that has not been sorted