1 not in my opinion. - i suppose if you had no money, orno assests or didnt care what happened to you if you couldnt decide for yourself that would be a good reason
2) yes, in my opinion
3) no, you can register them when they need to be activated (or when you have the extra 150 quid per lpa) Problem with this is that it can take up to 3-4 months to register. In the case of financial matters, its not such a problem (i.e nursing homes can wait a few months for money etc) however, in my opinion, lpa-pw if it is needed, is usually needed at short notice, or shorter notice than 4 months anyway. My recommendation would be to register the PW lpa's in advance. Bear in mind life circumstances though - ie if you were to get divorced and your wife/husband was you attourney
4 there is no obligation to, and its up to you really. Bear in mind the lpa gives someone else the legal authority to act as you in circumstances where you cant. this might be useful if for example, you were injured in a car crash or had a stroke and couldnt sort out your financial affairs or if you were in a vegetative state and someone had to chose whether to turn you off or not - the lpa gies space for you to give someone else the guidance of what your wishes are - very helpful if they have to make a horrible decision at an awful time