mortgage troubles
i brought a house in October 2001 with my brother but the lst two years have been very differcult as he does not keep up with the mortgage payments. i have since found that our joint account is overdrawn because he has not been paying in his share. I have always let him be in charge but it is getting so bad that I am now finding debt letters hidden in the house I have managed to get the utilities up straight with our service providers but i can't keep doing this. I have to be chasing every month to get money out of him as the agreement made is that we keep these payments up. I am working all the overtime I can but there is a limit to what I can do .I have recently been told that even though i have been paying my share of our joint account debt but he has not therefore i will still be liable for the amount oiutstanding because the account is in jointed names. He won't agree to anything and will go missing when I try to tie him down to try and sort things out. I am at my wits end and i have now recieved a summon to attend court for a large debt . What can i do to get myself out of this situation I need help. i have been to citizen advice and solicitors but they will not take me on as they think i will not be able to pay them for their services. I want to sell the house but t he has refused and has made no other suggestion as to what we could do . if there is anyone who can assist please respond. thank you karen