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luke16 | 19:05 Thu 27th Nov 2008 | Law
1 Answers
I have been told my current role is redundant, however I've been assigned / seconded into this role for 2 years. I had expected to be offered my previous role back as this has not been targeted as a redundant role. Is this correct?
I currently manage 3 teams and all my managers are seconded as well, my previous role was one of those positions.
My understanding was that if my current role was no longer required, as a secondee, I would return to my originating position. Our management team have been going through a consultation process, however I don't feel this is quite right. Thoughts anyone?


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It's just my thoughts but yes, I agree with you. In my workplace secondments are not at all unusual and, whilst secondees usually remain in their seconded role after the secondment period is complete, my understanding is that the agreement is temporary and bilaterally agreed as such.

It may be a case of 'musical chairs' however. When the music stops the person holding the redundant position may be the casualty. But I wouldn't have thought so since such a practice could be easily abused.

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