hello,How can we get a court order for my sister who has made an application for housing but they have given her the lowest priority despite the overcrowding and despite her bad health.The owner of the house is another sister who was told that if she gets a court order then the council will have to house the sister who has made an application for housing. We wrote an eviction notice but the council are ignoring that so how do we get a court order to evict her bcoz its the only way they will house her the owner of the property wants to sell the house since she cannot affford to pay the mortgage but needs all occupants out before she can sell.
Thank you but i do not wish to live there i am aware of my rights and believe me my husband will never give a share thats why he took out so many loans secured against the house to make sure of it...
sorry i have put the wrong answer in the wrong section! I have asked answerbank to remove it for me...it was meant to be for another question responding to another person. But to answer your q, yes she tchnically could get housing benefit but she dos not want to wait 15yrs for a council property whcih she was told she is likely to face.
redcrx and daffy. Kay06 posted her original question in Civil Law. It was about there being no equity in the house she shared with her husband but wished to leave.
She could get in touch with Shelter http://england.shelter.org.uk/
They will be able to offer advice in all aspects of this matter. I hope she gets it sorted out soon,I know how stressful housing problems can be.