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Viagra in your boss's drink...

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phillipa.d | 20:46 Mon 15th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Is putting something in your boss's drink at the Christmas do grounds for instant dismissal?

Don't know exactly what it was, but it was some kind of viagra type stimulant, purchased from a vending machine in the ladies toilet at the function (!!!) and it was put in a cocktail. Boss has a heart problem. Could have been very dangerous...



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It would be a stupid thing to do to a person who has a heart problem
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It was a stupid thing anyway, and especially with his heart problem. I was just wondering how she still has a job - he could have sacked her, couldn't he?
I very very much doubt that such a thing is available in a vending machine in any ladies, unless the machines tale �10 notes I suppose
assuming he was aware of it? I would personally have her torn off a few strips, Im all for xmas fun but not at the expence of a serious health condition
Someone once slipped a laxative in my tea @ work. I was the first to sh1t myself, than he did when I got hold of him the next day.
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Well, what I was told was that it was purchased from a vending machine in toilets, a cocktail was bought and it was put in there, then cocktail was presented to boss, saying "Merry Christmas, we bought you a drink" Boss was then tipped off by one of the three who came up with plan, who said she didn't want to go through with it...
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I just cant believe it, and think she should be sacked. She is a disgruntled employee, being the one teamleader (of four)picked to be made redundant.
I highly doubt it would be viagra, you can only get that on prescription or the black market, not the ladies at the local. I've seen vending machines for headache tablets though. Yes, it's dangerous to be putting anything in someone's drink, whether they have a heart condition or not.

What makes you think it was viagra anyway?
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Boss was telling me about it, and I asked what it was and he said "some kind of sexual stimulant thing" Later, when I sat in on meeting between Boss and woman who did it, he asked her where she got it and she said "from the machine in the toilets"

Praps she took it with her, having it planned all along...?
I suppose it could be treated as 'assault' depending on the reaction of the person. I mean say, the person had high blood pressure and of course the heart condition, what if something serious had happened to them and they could not say to a doctor what it was??

I have heard of people that spike drinks with 'ecstasy' being criminally charged.

It was most definitely a stupid thing to do.
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phillipa.d A lot of pubs now have 'adult' vending machines selling a range of sex toys and erm stuff *ahem*, so it is highly possible that it was some kind of stimulant.
OK, you gets heaps of different kinds of herbal sexual stimulants (which don't work, but they make a fortune out of us just checking). Have a look on the Ann Summers website, they sell them too, but they're not medical in any way, shape or form and I think I have seen vending machines with them in the pubs.

However, this doesn't get away from the fact that she put it in his drink anyway, I'm not sure if it would be an offence per se, but if a member of my staff did that to me, I'd certainly have them out on their ear regardless.
Hi Lakitu

I think that spiking a drink is indeed an offence, one that is probably not reported as much as it should be. No one knows how someone will react to any kind of stimulant - people may have allergies and adverse reactions. :(
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Yes, I know there are lots of stimulants etc readily available now, and think it prob was from a machine. But what I really want to know is what should be done about the incident. I think she is lucky to still have her job. Area Manager has told boss deal with it yourself, but I dont think he (boss) should investigate when he was "victim" - I think it should go higher, and she should at least be suspended pending investigation...
I know spiking a drink is an offence, what I'm not sure about is if it's an offence to put something that doesn't do anything into a drink, it's a bit like me putting a tic tac in your drink, it'll do nothing but make your wine a bit minty LOL.
I think then you need to consider the 'intent' but then again the boss was not affected as they found out about it. It would certainly be some kind of disciplinary action. I wouldn't hesitate if it was me btw.
I wouldn't hesitate either.

I'm trying to remember what thread this kind of scenario was talked about in not so long ago, I'm sure it was confirmed I would get sent to prison if I bought heroin when it turns out to be washing powder, because the intent to sell it on/take it was still there.

Not that I'm planning was hypothetical LOL.
A friend of mine had her drink spiked at a wine bar a few years ago. She started sweating profusely (sp) then passed out. It was horrible to witness and I spent most of the evening looking after her with 2 others.

Why do people do such nasty things?
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He was lucky one of them said dont drink it, and that was only because she read packet and it had a warning about people with heart problems on it, and she knew he had a heart problem.

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