my brother and i are executors of our late fathers will.. Recently i found out (by the new owner) that one of my fathers cars has been sold by my brother without my knowledge or agreement.. The new owner now hassles me for the spare car key at every opportunity. I have not seen any paperwork or documentation of sale, no monies from sale, and i certainly havent signed for this to go ahead.. Who is in the right or wrong here? some advice well appreciated. also unsure at moment, but think car was registered to my dads business so what light would that shine on the situation if any? thanks all
It may be that legally either one of the executors can carry out transactions. I do not know whether this is the case - you need to ask the solicitor acting for you (if you have one) or the Probate Office.
However, it seems totally unjustified for your brother to have acted in this way. Have you asked him about it? What does he say?