I work in education and I'm I about to return to work after 6 weeks off with work related stress. A big problem was the relationship I had with my manager. I felt bullied and often haraassed. The time off has made me able to reflect and I'm considering raising a grievance. Can anyone help?
erm i thinking of a question i could ask you to see if you are her without giving private stuff away. have you got a husband and if yes did his parents moved to cyprus a couple of years ago?
Please be careful. When you return your manager will still be there and will probably behave the same. I was also bullied out of a job once and it is a most harrowing experience and hard to bounce back from. Please check out the website BULLYONLINE, where you can read about bullying in the workplace. It is rife in the education sector and those who complain usually end up losing their jobs. So please be careful and clever and do your research before going on the attack.