A woman who works with me sadly lost her partner yesterday. They weren't married, although they were living together like husband and wife and have 2 young children. Does anyone know how long she is entitled to have off for bereavement time, and is this time less because they weren't acctually married? Thanks.
It shouldn't be any less just for the sake of a lack of a marriage certificate. And if they have children then surely she should be helping them to grieve too.
I think it depends on her employers policies. our company allows five days compassionate leave, however they are also very flexible and understanding about time off for sorting things out later. If it looks like it will be a problem for youyr colleague she could ask her doctor to sign her off work due to bereavement.
There is no legal entitlement to compassionate leave as far as I am aware,it is down to each individual company to decide their own policy. She could however get her doctor to sign her off sick due to stress/depression.
Thanks chelle and daffy. To be honest I think she will have to be signed off by her doctor. The kids are 8 and 10 so will need their mum more than ever. Obvioulsy, her kids are her main priority, but she will need to look after herself too. Fortunately she has her family around to help her. It is just such a sad situation.
Sorry kjc, my reply to you doesn't seem to have appeared. It must be lost in cyber space! I totally agree with your thoughts on the 2 week idea. 2 weeks should be the minimum.
Similar situation happened to someone close to me and she had months off. I think that's fine. You can't rush people through grief. It's integral that the woman feels ready to return otherwise she could be off for longer in the long run. Legally it is classed as compassionate leave any longer than a few weeks I think and is down to the company to chase up if they really insist on her rushing back to work.
How long has she worked for the company? They may be flexible if she is well regarded or been there many years. But if she has been there less than a year they could in theory dismiss her if she takes a while off as sick leave