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Scottish Probate

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Kathyan | 13:08 Fri 03rd Jul 2009 | Law
5 Answers
Does anyone living in Scotland know how long it takes for probate to be granted in Scotland please? Also is the inheritance threshold the same as in England?


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In Scotland it's known as 'obtaining confirmation of the estate'. How long it takes? It depends on whether it's a small estate (less than �30K) or a large estate (more than �30K). A small estate can usually be dealt with without a solicitor.

As I undersand it, the guidance is that the executor has to wait at least six months before they can begin to consider settling the estate. It's to make sure all creditors are identified before the estate is distributed. Remember that inheritance tax may be involved so nine months to a year may be more realistic.

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Thanks pandanarm.
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Sorry, padanarm!
IHT is the same in Scotland.

As to the amount of time, the 6 months is just guidance. A solicitor who has had no contact with the deceased other than perhaps making the will will take that and more.

If you DIY and know the deceased's finances well then it can certainly be done in less.
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My sister-in-law is sorting things out but I don't think IHT will have to be paid. There is also a trust deed but she said that it wasn't included in the will. I don't know anything else and my husband won't ask!

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Scottish Probate

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