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zxdee | 17:25 Thu 08th Oct 2009 | Law
13 Answers
after a row with a neighbour my sister was arrested and charged with violence to secure entry she did not enter or touch the womans property and has a witness, but the woman that made the complaint has a boyfriend that is a police officer,before she was arrested the police spent 3 hrs in her neighbours house. her boyfriend has given a statment based on what he heard on his mobile phone he was not there is this evidence allowed and she really did not do it.


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zxdee: sorry i meant did she make any threats at the address etc.

Search the internet for Section 6 (1) of the Criminal Law Act (Criminal Law Act 1977), threats can be sufficient etc.
17:51 Thu 08th Oct 2009
zxdee: What did happen at the address??
Question Author
the kids had been rude to her and she was rude back so my sister went and shouted at her then left
so potentially it could be percieved by the neighbour that your sister was shouting at her to intimidate her into letting your sister into the house.
zxdee: sorry i meant did she make any threats at the address etc.

Search the internet for Section 6 (1) of the Criminal Law Act (Criminal Law Act 1977), threats can be sufficient etc.
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i am not sure what the neighbour thought my sister said she had no intention of entering. can tyou tell me how I respond to a reply i have to keep answering by posting an answer to my own question.
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no she did not make any threats it was more dont keep blaming my kids for this and that she said kids throwing stuff in garden.
Okies, hopefully your sis had a solicitor etc who can advise throughout the course of the process..
Do you mean your sister was arrested and taken to the policestation and then after a taped interview she was charged with the offence? Why did she not ask to speak to the duty solicitor? (or have i watched too much tele?) They always offer to provide one on tele,
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the solicitor knows that the woman who accused her has a boyfriend that is a police officer and all he said was that the police do like to throw their weight around, he is a solicitor appointed by court she is on legal aid and does not know if he is good or not this is first time she has been in trouble.
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She was charged yes but did not know that he was a police officer till she read the statment he had given she did ask the police why the officers left it hours before they arrested her but they did not offer a reply.
The solicitor would have had an evidential disclosure before and certainly throughout the interview so what did he/she advise????
Or did she not have a solicitor at the police station
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the solicitor asked if she had even maybe pushed the door she told him she had not and he advised in that case to plead not guilty all she heard at the police station was that this woman sid she had pushed her way into the house she did and that the womans boyfriend said he heard his girlfriend shouting get off my property, she was talking to him on her mobile phone. My sister has a witness that saw she never went onto the property but who knows what else they will try to do.

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