my boyfriends wife left him nearly two years ago taking his son and possessions, they are now getting a divorce and he is worried that she will take the house leaving us homeless, she has made no payments for the house and it and the mortgage are in his name
i would assume as they are married and have a child together then the assets would be divided equally, does your BF pay maintenance to the child? If he has remained in the house and moved his girlfriend in then why should his ex pay toward the mortgage? Maybe he will have to buy her out, i dont know as it all depends on the bigger picture, however i dont have any legal experience but have been through a divorce so therefore can only give a one sided opinion xxx
well, going by my partners experience, wife left him, he owned house before they ever met and married, no kids. She managed to get almost half of value of house from him.
see what she requests in the divorce papers and then speak to your solicitor, she may not want a thing from it.