I have just heard i will be issued with a summons to attend court as a prosecution witness.
I haven't received it yet, without me there is no case, and i don't want any charges or convictions, but this UK system punishes so called victims even further by ensuring there lives are screwed beyond repair.........
after an argy bargy both at faut, a few days later my husband got arrested
I'llsave the long story,,,, I have retracted a statement, written to the Police and CPS confirming I do not support prosecution. ( Husband is defendant)
The officer in charge of my case has given a view she feels i am doing that because i am scared, even though i have told her several times thats not the case i just want my husband back home and get on with my life.
I have 4 kids, youngest is 3 months old and the rest are in primary school, how can i make all this go away,
I will not attend court, i have read about about summons etc, failing to attend contempt etc so save me all that pls
pls advise if anyone can, i will not turn up ( dont advise me to do so because i wont my statement was exaggerated i was very angry someone said my husband was having an affair and i believed it without any collaboration, i have since found out the bitch was rejected by my husband and she lied to me)
I am so sorry for what has happened and I cant afford for any further aggravation with my life, what will they likely do to me if i do not attend,,,,,, i am yet to find out if my huby will have me back anyway,,,,, either way i wont live with m,yself if anything happenms to him, his job, i'm so upset and angry with myself
Talk to your WCO and they can advise you accordingly. What court is the case due to appear in if it is a specialist DV court as a few in London are you should try and arrange a visit with the DV court co-ordinator
i appreciate that but you must of made a statement in the first instant expressing concern and detailing your injuries and what your husband done to you. many people mistake this statement as a very informal note this statement is basically the struture of the case and goes before a court/jury etc. all other evidence just builds onto the victim statement
Hi again , take missyhols advice and talk to your wco , hopefully they will be able to tell you more as they will know the case and circumstances , really hope things go well for you and once this is over you can move on , counselling is a very good idea good luck and all the best for the future ,as i said before try not to worry too much focus on the kids and take your mind of it (it's hard ) xx
I have viia a solicitor written to the Police Station and The CPS, first letter was sent 3 weeks ago, yet no reply,i have made many attempts to speak with the OIC, who really doesn't care anymore she has got a case to court,, job done,, i have called a few times spoke with her, she promised me everything would be ok and my husband would be home very shortly,hows 2 months waiting for trila very shortly
have you got a wco they are based in a poilce station 6 days a week and are civilians. they work closely and support victims thoroughly in my police station
Pls someone explain, compelling a victim to give evidence, breaking up the family, is that justice, especially for a first time offense,, i know its all my fault, shouldn't really blame anyone else, i was so stupid for ever putting trust in the system
Your letters will be recorded ...but i never got any replies for mine , as i was told it was not up to me if the charges were brought to my ex as soon as the call is made it is up to the police , which in domestic violence cases they usually do , and there is nothing that can change their mind after they have noted your comments and signed its all up to them , yes it is wrong but it's basically because of what used to happen when the victim done statement and 2 days down the road dropped all charges and wasted police time now they don't give you the choice xx
presumably your husband was arrested at Bethnal Green or Hackney - contact your WCO in the first instance this will then be filtered up as i am unsure if victims can arrange this themselves. If you have no joy then contact the main switchboard at Thames Magistrates Court
Even if the OIC wanted believed/agreed with you, once the defendant is charged the decision lies with the CPS only! the police can forward views as can defence reps but the CPS have the final say until the case gets to court where the facts are outlined and the court have the final decision
victim support, the only support i have had is following a phone call to discuss bail conditions being too strenuous on me and the kids, imagine 4 kids on my own, i got a phone call asking me to mattend the station, thinking therewas good news i was spoken to by a police officer who shouted at me and said theres no point calling etc, and the only option was wait for trial which is 3 months away
your last comment is quite disturbing and in simple terms 'out of order' you should not have been subjected to being shouted out. write a letter to the Borough Crown Prosecutor and cut out the police and solicitors detailing your concerns from your initial post, it may help
missyhols, thank you again i understand ref procedure, however OIC hasn't passed any of my views forward, all she has done is pass whatever she had to to get a conviction, she hasn't mentioned anything, i know that because i heard what her report was at the pre trail, i have since complained to mher sergeant, she so much took advantgae ( my stupid fault, now my kids pay and so does my hus band
i was patient, because OIC was so nice to me saying she would do her best to pass on my views to the CPS etc and said my hus would be home i ignored the shouting etc, but after hearing her views on my retraction and my position etc, i have complained about her and the offcier who shouted at me( did this at the station)
that is not going to help with the witness summons for you to give evidence though. The closer the trial comes the more evidence and prep would have been put into your husbands case. writing to the CPS following this with a phone call after say a week seems your only option
Midssyhols, thank you you have been very helpful,
My solicitor has written 2 letters to the CPS and the police, confirming what i have said, i dont want my family to break up and that my statement was exagerated etc\
my children lives are upside down, ( i hope they forgive me 3 months minimum without their father at home very very hard, so stupid of me.
Anyway i will try and speak to the DV cordinator and write to the Borough prosecutor)
hope i can fix this problem otherwise what a waste of 15 years marriage and will have to live on Govenmnent hand out, anyway serves me right for being so stupid
thank you anyway, god bless