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Found money on the way home.

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NoMercy | 20:55 Fri 08th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
85 Answers
Whilst walking home this evening from Asda, I found a £20 note lying on the pavement. There was no one around and nothing to indicate to whom it belonged. I picked it up and put it in my pocket and it's still there now. My mother called me a "jammy sod" and my father said, "Oh well, probably some poor old lady's."

I feel really bad now. What would you have done?


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Kept it
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Well who'd walk past and leave it there? !!
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NoM - it's mine (honest)!
give it to charity
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Sherrard... where did you drop it? lol
This is one of those questions which comes up from time to time, and with different circumstances. Nobody around, no apparent "loser" - I'd have done what you did.
i would have kept it... then treat myself with a take away
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Butch, I found not far from Bargain Booze. They don't get too many old ladies frequenting that place.
Damn, caught me out. (I'd keep it.)
You can hardly nail it to the wall where you found it - the next person along would probably have taken it, anyway.
Enjoy spending it on yourself x
I'd probably keep £20 but there is a point where I'd hand it in to the police - £50 up maybe?
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Exactly, Boxy. It's a shame I was too late to buy some euromillions with it (although I bought two lucky dips at lunchtime).

I may buy some lottery tickets for tomorrow with it.
Your only other option, realistically, would have been hand it in to a police station...

But... if you lost a 20 would you bother going to the police station to see if it had been handed in? I know I wouldn't.

The person who dropped it probably won't even realise they lost it.
Swings and roundabouts - at some stage in your life you will drop money which someone else will find.
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It can't have fallen out of a purse or a wallet, so must have fallen out of someone's pocket. There is a cash point there outside Bargain Booze, but no telling how long the note had been lying there on the pavement, so not likely I could trace its rightful owner.
Hand it over .. Do you want the address? x
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Chuck... my thoughts exactly. I once lost £40 out of a coat pocket whilst walking around town.

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Found money on the way home.

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