Death of judicially separated spouse.
If, on the death of one of the parties to a marriage, a decree of judicial separation is in force, the property of the deceased spouse passes on intestacy as if the other party to the marriage had then been dead. An order that one party to a marriage be no longer bound to cohabit does not for this purpose have effect as a decree of judicial separation. This, however, is only the position where the death occurred on or after 1 August 1970. Before that date, and now in the case of intestate distribution by reference to a death before 1 August 1970, only property of a wife acquired since the date of decree passes on intestacy in this manner. On the other hand, a wife who had been judicially separated from her husband was entitled on his death intestate to her interests in his property under the ordinary rules.
A covenant by a wife in a separation deed that she would accept an annuity in lieu of her rights at common law or by custom in her husband’s estate on his death did not necessarily bar her claim to her interest on an intestacy.
Where a marriage is null or has been annulled or dissolved by a decree absolute of divorce, on the death intestate of one party to the marriage the other is not a surviving husband or wife and therefore takes no interest in the estate