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OK, well as best I know, the money is interest paid from a lump sum held in trust, my ex-husband has no access to the lump sum, I think this is held in his father's name, he just receives the monthly interest. The interest appears to be taxed before it is paid, but at basic rate - the reason I think this is that there is a similar arrangement whereby money is paid to another account for my children but a tax rebate is paid each year on that money as they are non-tax payers obviously.
Yes, the amount paid is around £15k per annum interest from the lump sum. I'm afraid I don't have much more information than that, as the ex-in-laws were always very vague about money matters (suspiciously so!)
The interest used to be paid into a joint BS account (ordinary savings account) but was paid to my ex-husband, my name was never involved in the payment. Obviously I got the benefit as joint account holder, but any transactions such as the rebate claim for the children had to be done by him as the payments were made in his name only.
Des this make any sense - I know very little about these things (obviously, I suppose!) but am concerned that I may stand jointly liable for any tax due as I had access to the money with it being in a joint account.
Because he is now my ex-husband, I cannot talk to him about this, and am getting worried.