Natalie Wood. in The AnswerBank: Celebrity Gossip
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Natalie Wood.

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cupid04 | 15:25 Tue 22nd Nov 2011 | Celebrity Gossip
16 Answers
How many of you on here remember Natalie Wood. It seems a bit weird that
a witness has come forward after 30 years. What is the chance [if she was
killed] of the culprit being done?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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None - That lady has a book to promote. There is nothing new.
These things happen - just ask Jonathan King...
I do remember that even at the time there was a lot speculation about the event with the general opinion being that there was something a bit dodgy about it but there was no proof one way or the other
i do, she was married to Robert Wagner, and it was on a yacht that she apparently fell overboard. The captain of the vessel has written a book about the case, but why wait for 30 years before coming out and saying what many thought at the time, that hubby was to blame.
he looks so weird, and why now?

Not much of a looker em............
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I can only see a black square!
Maybe he's done a "reverse-Michael"...
well it worked before, let me see...
i thought it was the captain who had penned it, but seems not. It's all so creepy.
I remember Natalee Wood, she was a looker a pretty little thing.
Remember her as Maria in 'West Side Story'
I was under the impression her husband had something to do with it at the time too.

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When they met it was murder [are you getting confused with Hart to Hart?]
LOL!. [only kidding.
Jonathan King killed Natalie Wood?

A new theory every day
I remember at the time (and before) there were strong rumours that she was having an affair with Walken.
Yes I remember this very well. I thought then and still think now her husband had something to do with her death. She was terrified of water to start with but her husband got her onto the yacht some how. Then she was supposed to be stepping into a smaller craft but her foot slipped and she fell in the water. Think maybe money has a way to make people forget what has really happened.!

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