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Katie Price

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Georgiesmum | 16:03 Tue 16th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
81 Answers
What does everyone thing of the name Katie Price has decided to call her baby daughter.


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Cheap and trashy, just like KP herself.
Not something I'd bother thinking about.
The press have made a mistake...her real name is Money but Katie had a blocked nose...and when she told reporters...
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why don't people think before they give these ridiculous names, that the child has got to carry this all through their adult life and career?
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Poor girl. I hope she never marries a man with a surname of Rabbit!
Same as ummmm, and I know of someone who has called it's child Teddy! What on earth are these people on...not to reason why I suppose and no doubt someone will say each to his own. Poor child, my Ferdinand-Olivera-dunkem didn't mind his name at all....until he went to school ;-)
I can only assume Katie Price listens to GQT or watches Antiques Roadshow, where Bunny Guinness and Bunny Campione feature often.
It's better than some of the celeb names. Didn't Bunny used to be a quite upper class name, many years ago? Isn't there a Bunny on antiques roadshow? I prefer it to Princess.
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Apparently she still wants to have another two children!
or marries someone called boiler
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but those bunnies are nicknames, Bunny Campione's called Anastasia
I have a 64 year old cousin called Teddy, short for Edward.

Was Dad's name Warren?
i'd be more worried that my mum's name was katie price
It is no worse than my bloomin' name!!!!
That might be so boxy, but those ladies are still known as Bunny not their real names.

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